MIM vs UPS in SP2016
Back to the Future with SharePoint 2016 User Profile Synchronization in Share 5 Posted by Eric Shupps on Mar 8, 2016 4:09:03 PM With every iteration of the SharePoint Server platform, there are new features and functionality that administrators must learn about. But every now and then, instead of introducing something entirely new, Microsoft goes in the opposite direction and revisits the ability to better reflect customer needs. Such is the case with User Profile Synchronization in SharePoint Server 2016. Every administrator who has worked with SharePoint outside of a lab environment has struggled with the process of synchronizing user data between an identity-management system and the SharePoint User Profile service application. It is one of the least understood and most challenging feature sets in the entire platform. There are many reasons for this, but foremost among them is the reliance of the primary synchronization mechanism in the 2010 a...